One of the core principles of The ZPE Project Group is open communication. This is facilitated through team meetings and various communication tools such as emails, Telegram, our website, and archives of documents and media.
To access this information, you will need a Google account (sign up here). You can use your existing email address (the one used in your Membership application); a Gmail address is not required.
Our document archive is housed on the google Members share drive, to which Members have viewing access. In the Members shared drive there are several subfolders. Once viewing the shared drive from your browser you will be able to easily search the archive for the material you seek.
Here are some links to the more common Members drive subfolders:
- Teams: Access to all Team meeting recordings, transcripts and notes.
- Corporate Documents: Includes government-related documents, certificates, and corporate compliance information.
- Information Library (in development): Educational content for Member research and reference only and should not be shared or disseminated.
- Resource Material (in development): ZPEPG content and publicity material that can be used by Members.
- ZPE Drop*: A drop file for Members to upload useful ZPE-related content.
To search for files on the shared drive
You are able to search file contents in addition to file names, so you can search for “this” or “that” and it will return all files that contain "this" or "that".
- Click on a folder if you want to restrict results to that folder, otherwise just search from the top level (Members)
- In the "Search" field at the top enter a word or words related to the topic of interest. It will search for documents with ANY of the words (so you might get too many results). To narrow the focus of your search put quotes around adjacent words or phrases, then it will restrict results to that pattern only (e.g., “demo device”, “Wendy Gallant”)
- Once you have some search results, you can use the drop-down menus to further filter the results by Type, Date, etc. to fine tune results
- Once you find the file you seek, you can double click to open or right click (or use the icons to the right) to download
*All Members have write access to the ZPE Drop folder. Once uploaded, an admin can move the file(s) to their appropriate subsequent destination and/or you can inform another Member that you have placed a file in the folder from which they could then download it (like DropBox). In this way it is a location you can use to share files amongst Members.
The ZPE Project Group also has a streaming service with videos relating to ZPE devices and theory. We will be providing links to access those videos shortly. These are for Member research/reference only and are not to be shared outside the Group (respecting copyrights, please).
Information Submittal form: If you are one who receives downloads (information) related to ZPE devices that you feel directed to tell us about, we welcome your input.
Technology Submission form: If you have direct personal experience with over-unity ZPE device technology, we'd like to hear about it.