ZPE Project Group Members
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Teams are formed as needed and adjusted over time. Originally defined by our Founders, Matthew Eisenberg and Brian Zazzara, these definitions were based on early informed speculation. As The ZPE Project Group has grown, especially now as a formal non-profit, team definitions are being refined and new teams created as necessary. We adapt as we go.

One adaptation is the creation of focused subteams under parent teams. These subteams allow Participant Members to work on specific tasks or specialties. Some subteams will be "private," with only approved members participating and agreeing to confidentiality due to the involvement of contracts, external relationships, or other confidential information.

Below are definitions of our current Teams. Blue means the teams are active. Gray means the team has not been activated yet.

T1 Action Item and Accountability Team
The T1 AI&A Team is responsible for informed backup when Team leadership is, for whatever reason, unable to perform their duties. T1 will monitor and stay informed by regularly monitoring individual Team’s repositories.

T2 Administrative and Organizing Team
Lead = Nate Cutler, Co-Lead = Matthew Klee
The T2 A&O Team is responsible for administration of the ZPE Project Group related processes. These duties include developing and implementing Best Practices, internal communications, managing Membership roster, defining and managing management and communication tools (software, platforms, etc.). T2 shall also receive any disputes that may arise within the Group, collect background information and will facilitate its resolution.

T3 Archiving and Documentation Team
TheT3 A&D Team is responsible for organizing and archiving documents and information related to the ZPE Project group and its Teams. This includes reference materials/media submitted by group members or forwarded to our group from external sources. T3 shall develop and implement document/media review and classification processes and will coordinate volunteer efforts.  T3 is responsible for defining database requirements that meet the needs of individual Teams and the overall Group as well as working with T6 for establishment and maintenance of said databases and related software tools for document archiving and retrieval and data mining. Said database shall allow efficient storage and retrieval of documents with redundancy, expandability, and accessibility commensurate with our ZPE Project group Mission and goals. NOTE: Discussion has already begun on this, but a final design must be agreed to.

T4 Communications Team (External and Internal)
The T4 Com Team is responsible for reviewing and qualifying/filtering inbound communications and directing relevant ones to the appropriate Team(s) as well as responding to inquiries on behalf of the Group.  As part of its duties, T4 shall generate/review general (Group related) emails, generate and review appropriate internal- and external- facing graphics, as well as things like greetings/salutations and sign offs used in Group communications. T4 is responsible for generating and communicating a Monthly Newsletter that will contain updates on significant Team and Group activities, milestones, and changes, as well as relevant external news that could impact the Group. (Note: This may be some time in the future)

T5 Consciousness and Meditation Team
Lead = Joe Lonesome
The T5 C&M Team is responsible for helping the ZPE Group and its Members with the diverse aspects of consciousness and meditation as they relate to achievement of our ZPE Project group Mission, goals and objectives. T5 shall intuit, research, develop, document, train, and lead Members in matters of consciousness building and forms of conscious communication. Included in T5 objectives are helping elevate overall Group frequency, proactively encourage and support members in their individual practices, and organizing and creating group meditations. It is also the responsibility of T5 to investigate the potential influence of consciousness on the functioning of ZPE devices and collaborate with the appropriate Teams and entities to maximize our chances of success.

T5 monthly meetings are the heart and mind of The ZPE Project Group. It is highly important that all Members attend as many meetings as they can so that our collective group consciousness is constantly being upgraded on our path to success. Each incremental step you take as Members in our group setting uplifts the collective group consciousness and attendance at our T5 meetings are designed to provide updated tools and techniques as well as information to help focus your awareness and intention on group objectives.

T5.1 Remote Viewing Subteam
Lead = Joe Lonesome
This T5 subteam focuses on developing personal and collective skills in remote viewing

T5.2 Pendulum (and other) Dowsing Practice/Skill Development Group
Lead = Joe Lonesome
This subteam focuses on developing dowsing skills to assist with intuition.

T5.3 Telepathy Practice/Skill Development
Lead = Joe Lonesome
This subteam focuses on understanding and developing telepathy skills within the ZPEPG.

T5.4 Astral Embassy
This subteam meets monthly to visit our Consciousness construct call the Astral Embassy through guided group meditation. At the Embassy you can visit several rooms, visit with ET consciousnesses, and receive downloads while strengthening this virtual construct for more effective collective access in subsequent sessions.

T6 Database Management Team
Temporary Lead = Matthew Klee
Team T6 DM Team is responsible for specifying, selecting, qualifying, recommending and implementing, once approved, database solutions for the ZPE Project Group such as member database, email database, Group documents, external documents (e.g., reference material) and other as needed. Database solutions shall also be established, as necessary, to meet specific needs of individual Teams.  In addition, T6 Members shall serve as domain experts/consultants for other teams in matters pertaining to use of databases.

T7  Electrical Design Team
Lead = Matthew Eisenberg
The T7 ED Team is responsible for electrical circuit design and implementation, mostly in support of Teams T18 and T8. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to the specification, documentation, and sourcing of electrical and electronic components, microprocessors, and other related components necessary for the creation of functional ZPE devices. In addition to circuit design, T7 is responsible for the test and verification of circuits’ functionality and safety.

T8 Experimental Study and Optimization Team
The T8 ES&O Team is responsible for discovering and/or replicating ZPE devices and / or ideas that have been submitted to the Group from external sources and then qualified by our T18 Technical Team as meriting further investigation. T8 shall define and execute appropriate experiments/tests and to further qualify and understand the underlying technology. T8 shall coordinate and oversee next-stage improvements of promising over-unity devices with other appropriate Teams with the explicit goal of producing manufacturable devices that meet Group objectives.

T10 Manufacturing, Compliance and Standards Team
The T10 MC&S Team is responsible for ensuring that compliance standards common to UL, CSA and CE are met in addition to Group-established device requirements for any design we qualify and propose for public adoption. T10 serves as a domain expert in best manufacturing processes and safety compliance and as such serves all device design, test, and development teams in individual as well as collective device design efforts.

Note: There are so many 3rd Party safety assessment organizations (at least 1 per country), that we will presently be focusing on just UL/CSA and CE (North America and Europe). None of these organizations will initially touch these devices, so we will actually have to perform testing analogous to their standards ourselves. They will eventually come around, but it will only be after thoroughly scrutinizing our verification and validation compliance processes, data, and conclusions as a model for what they might choose to implement going forward.

T11 Mechanical Design Team
The T11 MD Team serves in the role as mechanical design domain expert for the practical implementation of physical aspects of ZPE device designs, and as such collaborates with all technical teams. T11 consults and collaborates on aspects like localization, connectivity, optimal device configuration and component integration, sub-assemblies, manufacturability, frames/covers/interfaces/transportability, materials choice/specification/qualification, durability, cost, maintenance, etc.
T11 in collaboration with T7, also has primary responsibility for generating, updating, and promulgating the “official” documentation of any qualified final device design as well as subassemblies. This includes appropriate industry-standard drawings, specification and any other documentation necessary to transfer the design package to an outside third-party Group that intends to build the devices.

T12 Observer Team
Lead = Matthew Eisenberg
The T12 OBS Team is a general group for people who have expressed interest in ZPE Group efforts and want to become involved and stay informed of our activities. T12 will meet once a month and present updates it has gleaned from other Group Teams, to answer questions from those who may have very little understanding or background in ZPE devices and associated politics, and to capture any comments or questions that are relevant to the Group or specific Team activities and to communicated them appropriately. T12 is open to all Members of our ZPE Project group.

T13 Recruitment/Fundraising Team
Lead = Nate Cutler
The T13 REC Team is responsible for the active recruitment of interested potential Members who will be positive additions to our ZPE Project group Mission and/or specific Team objectives. T13 shall help identify organizations that relate to our efforts so that interested members can be solicited to join our Group (blogs, alumni boards, newsletters, Facebook groups, etc.). T13 will also be helping generate material for publicity and fundraising until those teams are activated.

T14 Registration and New Member Orientation Team
T14 R&NMO Team is responsible for onboarding new members. T14 serves as the initial point of contact for membership inquiries and provides the initial review and processing of Member candidates. T14 manages and provides all initial information/orientation materials to new potential Members.

T15 Research Team
The T15 RES Team is responsible for evaluation of content (any medium) for relevance to our Mission. Material can originate from external sources, Group Members, or from within Group archives. T15 shall develop and implement information submittal processes that support efficient and timely processing of material and communication to appropriate Teams within the Group. T15 shall follow guidelines established by T3 for archiving of new information reviewed by the Team. As part of the review and filtering process, T15 shall also attempt to find related/correlated information (data mining) from the Group archives that is related in a way that provides a more qualified understanding of the newly reviewed information. After review of a newly submitted information, T15 shall communicate a summary of the information to the appropriate Team(s) along with references to supporting information from the Group archives.
T15 also serves the general Group by helping to research specific topics requested by Teams.

T16 Scheduling Team
T16 Sched Team Is responsible for assisting with identification, evaluation and recommendation of tools and processes used for scheduling of Team meetings. Responsibilities also include training meeting runners (typically Team Leads and Team Admins) on use of the tools and on best-practices for running and documenting meetings.

T17 Security, Safety and Protection Team
Lead = Brian Zazzara
T17 SS&P Team is responsible for managing the diverse issues around individual and Group security, safely and protection. This includes: injury potentially inherent in some forms of ZPE technologies, as well as directed intimidation in any form by “black ops” including any means of inflicting physical harm.

T18 Technical Team
Temporary Lead = Matthew Klee
The T18 Tech Team is responsible to oversee and coordinate the device development teams T7, T8, T10, and T11 teams in achieving the Group’s mission.  In addition, T18 shall lead filtering and qualifying candidate technologies, concepts, and devices sourced either internally or externally. To do so, T18 shall develop and implement efficient and effective technology review and device evaluation processes. T18 shall also coordinate design, build and test of prototypes that improve our understanding of ZPE technologies.

T18.1 Demo Device Technical Subteam
Lead = Matthew Klee
The T18 Tech Team is responsible to oversee and coordinate the device development teams T7, T8, T10, and T11 teams in achieving the Group’s mission.  In addition, T18 shall lead filtering and qualifying candidate technologies, concepts, and devices sourced either internally or externally. To do so, T18 shall develop and implement efficient and effective technology review and device evaluation processes. T18 shall also coordinate design, build and test of prototypes that improve our understanding of ZPE technologies.

T18.2 Stan Meyer Group Subteam
Lead = Jeff Hoffman
The T18 Tech Team is responsible to oversee and coordinate the device development teams T7, T8, T10, and T11 teams in achieving the Group’s mission.  In addition, T18 shall lead filtering and qualifying candidate technologies, concepts, and devices sourced either internally or externally. To do so, T18 shall develop and implement efficient and effective technology review and device evaluation processes. T18 shall also coordinate design, build and test of prototypes that improve our understanding of ZPE technologies.

T19 Transparency and Inclusion Team
The T19 T&I is responsible for ensuring that our Group operates in a way that is open, transparent and inclusive by developing and implementing appropriate policies and procedures.

T20 Policies and Procedures Team
The T20 P&P Team is responsible for creating tools and procedures for Group processes. Tools include forms, spreadsheets, logos, etc. that are used for Group related activities to ensure uniformity and efficiency. T20 shall work with individual Teams to identify and prioritize needs and in reviewing tools as they are developed.  T20 shall create and maintain a user-friendly index of materials and resources.

T21 Device Promulgation Strategy Team
Lead = Brian Zazzara
The T21 DPS Team is responsible for developing and implementing a strategy for maximizing public awareness of any ZPE device or devices our group manifests and for facilitating its adoption worldwide.

T22 Contactee Team
Lead = Marlee Boyd
The T22 CON Team is an experiential collective of individuals with recognized ability to receive information from ETs. T22 serves to help the ZPE Group achieve its goals by helping get ET input on our focus, priorities and in answering critical questions that our Teams generate.

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